Ronald D Briggs
Ronald Briggs studies the convergence of education and literary theory in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Americas. An associate professor in the Department of Spanish & Latin American Cultures at Barnard College, he has also taught at Bard College and New York University, where he served as managing editor of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. He is the author of two books, The Moral Electricity of Print: Transatlantic Education and the Lima Women's Circuit: 1876-1910 (Vanderbilt University Press, 2017) and Tropes of Enlightenment in the Age of Bolívar: Simón Rodríguez and the American Essay at Revolution (Vanderbilt UP, 2010), and his articles have appeared in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Studies in Travel Writing, Dieciocho, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, and Decimonónica.
Recent Publications
“De Brooklyn a Cauca: esclavismo y propiedad en el discurso transnacional conservador a partir de las revoluciones de 1848.” Sensibilidades conservadoras. El debate cultural sobre civilización en América Latina y España durante el siglo XIX, edited by Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik. Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2021. pp. 85-115.
“Doubting the Lettered City: Simón Rodríguez, Antonio José de Irisarri, and the Literary Skepticism of Rousseau.” The Routledge Companion to the Hispanic Enlightenment, edited by Elizabeth Franklin Lewis, Mónica Bolufer Peruga, and Catherine M. Jaffe, Routledge, 2019, pp. 83-96.
The Moral Electricity of Print: Transatlantic Education and the Lima Women’s Circuit, 1876-1910. Vanderbilt University Press, 2017.
“The Student as Political Metaphor in El Semanario de Caracas (1810-1811).” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 94, no. 5, 2017, pp. 513-28.