Major in Hispanic Studies
If you are interested in majoring in Hispanic Studies, you will need to take a minimum of 33 points in a total of eleven courses.
Core Courses
SPAN 3300 Advanced Language through Content
Under exceptional circumstances (for instance, a student who has earned a 5 in Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish or a native speaker who has completed high school in a Spanish-speaking country), a student may begin the program with SPAN 3349/3350, after approval by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), and later substitute an additional 3000- or 4000-level elective for SPAN 3300 to meet the point and course requirements for the major. Students may only register once for any of the core requirements (SPAN UN3300, SPAN UN3349, SPAN UN3350 and the Senior Seminar).
SPAN 3349 Hispanic Cultures I: Islamic Spain through the Colonial Period
SPAN 3350 Hispanic Cultures II: Enlightenment to the Present
SPAN 3991 or 3992 Senior Seminar in Hispanic Studies
Seven elective courses must be taken. A minimum of four electives must be chosen from the Department’s 3000- or 4000-level offerings. Three of these courses may be selected outside the department, provided they address Hispanic topics. Coursework completed in other departments require the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Approved courses taken abroad may be counted in either category (inside or outside the department). Up to 4 courses taken abroad may count toward the major.
Majors are also encouraged to study Portuguese and/or Catalan. Two courses in Portuguese or Catalan may apply toward the major in Hispanic Studies; please contact the DUS for guidance before registering for a Portuguese or Catalan section. Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in the field should consult the DUS to plan their program accordingly.
Please complete the Planning Sheets and Forms and take printed copies to your meeting with the Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Lee B. Abraham.