Revista Hispánica Moderna
Founded in 1934 as Boletín del Instituto de las Españas at Columbia University, Revista Hispánica Moderna has been regarded since as one of the most distinguished international venues for academic research in Spanish. RHM is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal committed to the dissemination of outstanding scholarship on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literary and cultural studies. It publishes essays and book reviews in Spanish, English, or Portuguese on the full spectrum of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultural production in Europe, Latin America, and the United States, and in all historical periods, from the Middle Ages to the present. Revista Hispánica Moderna is indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge and in SCOPUS.
The journal continually accepts submissions, and is currently seeking special issue proposals. Please send manuscripts and proposals for consideration, in Microsoft Word, to: [email protected]
Author Guide
- Contributors should prepare their manuscripts following the latest edition of the MLA Style Manual.
- Manuscripts should not exceed 9,000 words, including notes and documentation, and may be in Spanish, English, Portuguese, or Catalan. Please include a separate document with an abstract of 200 words.
- RHM only accepts electronic submissions in Word.
- The document should be ready for anonymous peer review—please delete all personal information, including institutional affiliation.
- All articles must include a list of works cited at the end, following the latest edition of the MLA Style Manual.
- Make sure to obtain necessary copyright permissions for all images and quotations that exceed fair use.
- No part of a submitted manuscript can have appeared in another journal, in any media, or in another language.
- Unsolicited book reviews are not considered for publication.
Special Issues
Special issues should explore innovative and significant topics within Hispanic Studies. The journal is particularly interested in proposals that cross temporalities and territories, transversally studying problems that question Modern and Early Modern fields and Iberian, Hispanic and Latin American cultures.
When proposing a Special Issue, please send the editors:
- A title for the special issue.
- An overview of the proposed theme (500 words).
- A list of potential contributors and their paper topics (optional).
- A timeline for the submission and review process.
Editorial inquiries should be addressed to:
- Elvira Blanco, Managing Editor: [email protected]
Online Access:
Full-text content is available at this website through Project Muse.
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