Recent Dissertations

Recent Dissertations

“Imaginaries of the Common in Contemporary Venezuela”

Elvira Eloisa Blanco
Sponsor: Bruno Bosteels
June 2024

“Dispositivos de exhibición de colecciones vivas. La contribución de zoológicos y jardines botánicos a la cultura visual transatlántica, siglos XIX-XXI”

Sara García Fernández
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
October 2023

"Recipes in Many Hands: Local Networks and Empirical Knowledge in the Recetarios of Early Modern Spain"

Nicole Parisina Basile
Sponsor: Jesús R. Velasco
September 2023

"Latin American Countercultures and the Third World: Internationalism, Geographic Imagination and Experimental Practices (1968-1980)"

Iuri Bauler Pereira
Sponsors: Ana Paulina Lee and Graciela Montaldo
September 2023

"Repleta est Terra: Connected Worldscapes and Entangled Chronotectures of Early Modern Andean Historical Cosmography (1550s – 1650s)"

Juan Carlos Garzón Mantilla
Sponsor: Alessandra Russo
June 2023

"The Spirit of Sabotage: Contemporary Art and Political Imagination in Post-industrial Spain"

Katryn Evinson
Sponsor: Bruno Bosteels
May 2023

“El llamado de la naturaleza: cultura científica, espiritualidad y secularismo en el movimiento naturista uruguayo de principios del siglo XX”

Analía Lavin
Sponsors: Ronald Briggs
October 2022

"Oficina fantasma: tecnología, escritura y prácticas editoriales en América Latina (1964-1984)"

Felipe Ignacio Becerra
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
June 2022

"El arte nuevo de cocinar: género, trabajo y tecnologías en Chile y Argentina, 1890-1945"

Begoña Alberdi
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
May 2022

"Before the Fetish: Artifice and Trade in Early Modern Guinea"

Alexandra McNabb Cook
Sponsor: Alessandra Russo
May 2022

"Staging Deviant Traditions: The Politics of Folklore under the Iberian Fascists Regimes"

Iria Ameixeiras Cundíns
Sponsor: Wadda Ríos-Font
May 2022


"Bourgeois Masculinity and Nation Building in 19th-Century Spanish Novel"

David Mejía
Sponsor: Wadda Ríos-Font
February 2022

"Mestizo Visionary Art of the Americas in the Late Twentieth Century: Hallucinogens, Politics, Aesthetics, and Mass Consumer Culture in the United States, Mexico, and Colombia"

Juan David Cadena Botero
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
October 2021

"Labor, Race, and Visuality in Argentina's Sugar Industry 1868-1904"

Anayvelyse Allen-Mossman
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
June 2021

"Curating the Americas: Library Practices and Early Histories of the New World Between Spain & Venice"

Alexandra Vialla Méndez
Sponsor: Seth Kimmel
May 2021

"Biomedicine, Homosexualities, and Medical Cultures in Mexico, 1953-2006"

Omar Durán-García
Sponsors: Maja Horn and Ana Paulina Lee
May 2021

"Alternative Presence: The Cultural Meaning of Heterodox Sciences in Nineteenth-century Spain"

Marta Ferrer
Sponsor: Wadda Ríos-Font
December, 2020

“We are Like Oil: An Ecology of the Venezuelan Culture Boom, 1973-1983”

Santiago Acosta
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
June, 2020

“Beyond Desencanto: Challenging the Archivization of the Spanish Transition”

Almudena Marín-Cobos
Sponsor: Alberto Medina
June, 2020

“Bleeding Nations: Blood Discourses and the Interpretation of Violence in Mid-Nineteenth Century Spanish America (1838-1870)”

Alejandro Quintero Mächler
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
May, 2020

“How the Aztec got a Pantheon: The Creation of an Ancient Religion in New Spain”

David Colmenares
Sponsor: Alessandra Russo
August, 2019


“Breaking the Frames of the Past: Photography and (Metamemory) Literature in Argentina, Chile, and Perú”

Daniella Wurst
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
May, 2019

“Trans Tessituras: Confounding, Unbearable, and Black Transgender Voices in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Popular Music”

Daniel da Silva
Sponsors: Maja Horn and Ana Paulina Lee
May, 2019

“Suturas discursivas del nacionalismo revolucionario en México (1925-1946)”

Adrián Espinoza-Staines
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
May 2018

“Transiting through the Toxic: 
Deviants and Criminals in the Age of Oil and Financialization”

Ibai Atxuxa
Sponsor: Alberto Medina
May 2018

“Aporias of Mobility: Amazonian Landscapes Between Exploration and Engineering”

Deneb Kozikoski-Valereto
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
April 2018

“Travelers, Traders, and Traitors: Mapping and Writing Piracy in England, Spain, and the Caribbean (1570-1620)”

Mariana Cecilia Velázquez
Sponsor: Patricia Grieve
April 2018

“Disclosing the Far East: Travels, Exchanges, and Scientific Cultures in the Iberian World (1565-1667)”

Miguel Ibáñez Aristondo
Sponsors: Alessandra Russo and Jesús R. Velasco
February 2018

“Visiones de Buenos Aires: pobreza e imaginarios urbanos en el siglo XX”
Agnese Codebò
Sponsors: Graciela Montaldo and Carlos J. Alonso
May 2017

“The Unofficial Archive: A Critique of Archival Culture in the Dominican Republic, 1865-1927”
Wendy Muñiz
Sponsors: Carlos J. Alonso and Maja Horn
May, 2017

“Stages of History: New World Spectacles and the Theater of the World in the Sixteenth Century”
Nicole Hughes
Sponsor: Alessandra Russo
May 2017

“Every Knowable Thing: The Art or Ramon Llull and the Construction of Knowledge”
Noel Blanco Mourelle
Sponsor: Jesús R. Velasco
May 2017

“Frontier Identities and Migrating Souls: Re-conceptualizing New Religious and Cultural Imaginaries in the Iberian Worlds”
Ana Méndez-Oliver
Sponsor: Patricia Grieve
April, 2017

“Gramsci in Latin America: Reconstitutions of the State”
Anne Freeland
Sponsors: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Graciela Montaldo
March 2017

“Recomposing the Global Iberian Monarchy through the Lisbon Press of Pedro Craesbeeck (1597-1632)”
Rachel Stein
Sponsors: Alessandra Russo and Jesús R. Velasco
January 2017

“Lydia Cabrera, the Storyteller as Collector”
Elise Arnold-Levene
Sponsor: Gustavo Pérez-Firmat
October 2016

“La vanguardia en los tabloides: reconfiguración cultural en la prensa argentina de los años veinte”
María Carolina Baffi
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
September 2016

“’Here to Stay’: New York Puerto Ricans and the Consolidation of Latino New York, 1931-1951”
Cristina Pérez Jiménez
Sponsors: Frances Negrón Muntaner and Maja Horn
May 2016

“Entertaining Culture: Mass Culture and Consumer Society in Argentina, 1898-1946”
Sarah Goldberg
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
April 2016

“On Violence and Tyranny”
Verónica Rodríguez
Sponsor: Jesús Rodríguez Velasco
March 2016

“A Retaguarda da Vanguarda: modernidades contestadas em três tempos: Bilac, Aranha e Lobato”
Daniella Diniz da Silva
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
November 2015

“Figures of Conflict: Culture, Politics, and State in Colombia, 1920-1970”
Benjamin Johnson
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
October 2015

“Translation Spaces: Mexico City in the International Modernist Circuit”
Valeria Luiselli
Sponsors: Claudio Lomnitz and Graciela Montaldo
September 2015

“Printing Presses, Typographers, and the Reader as People: State Publishing in Cuba, Venezuela, and Chile (1960-present).”
Jessica Gordon-Burroughs
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
September 2015

“La desigualdad como tarea
. Crítica literaria y masificación editorial en Argentina (1950-60)”
Guido Herzovich
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
May 15, 2015

“The Consumer Dictator:
 Theories and Representations of Agency in Neoliberal Argentina, 2001-2010”
Jessica C. Dzaman
Sponsor: Carlos J. Alonso
February 18, 2015

“Pertenencias pasajeras. La escena subterránea en Perú durante los años ochenta”
Olga Rodríguez-Ulloa
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
November 7, 2014

“The Translator’s Visibility: Scenes of Translation in Contemporary Latin American Fiction”
Heather Cleary
Sponsor: Carlos J. Alonso
September 12, 2014

“Amateur Citizens: Culture and Democracy in Contemporary Cuba”
Paloma Doung
Sponsor: Carlos J. Alonso
August 28, 2014

“La palabra y el fuego. Insulto, política y cultura en la historia de Colombia”
Juan Álvarez
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
May 6, 2014

“Beyond the Material
 Energy, Work, and Movement in the Cultural Imagination of Restoration Spain”
Oscar I. Useche
Sponsor: Wadda Ríos-Font
March 4, 2014

“‘En todo se hallaron los tlaxcaltecas’: The Measure of Conquest in Sixteenth-Century New Spain”
Jannette Amaral
Sponsor: Alessandra Russo
November 22, 2013

“Spectacular Peripheries: Cultures of Leisure and Entertainment in Turn-of-the-Century Argentina”
Lara Tucker
Sponsor: Graciela Montaldo
October 4, 2013