Tamara Hache

Tamara Hache

Tamara Hache holds a BA in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She specialized in Literary Theory, and also in 19th Century Argentine Literature as research assistant for Dr. Adriana Amante in the Department of 19th Century Argentine Literature. As part of her work as a research assistant, she has participated in institutionally funded research groups (UBACyT): “Imprints in literature from Río de la Plata (1810-1940)” and “Calligraphic, typographic and visual cultures in Argentine literature (1840-1940)”.

Tamara entered the PhD program in Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University in 2018.

Academic Statement

Within this field, Tamara’s research focuses on the study of the relationships between textual representations and visual representations of death in the Paraguayan War (1865-1870), and the way in which war itself specifically traces an impression onto these representations. This requires an interdisciplinary approach that draws not only upon literary and pictorial sources but also upon history, politics, visual culture and aesthetics.

She is interested in studying the way in which the Paraguayan War not only was the object of multiple visual and textual representations but also how these representations interact with each other in their own specific conceptual and material nature, as well as how war itself shapes and structures these representations and interactions.